Effects of sevoflurane on lung alveolar epithelial wound healing and survival in a sterile in vitro model of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Published on 01 May 2024 in Experimental cell research , vol. 438 - pp 114030
Loubet F , Robert C , Leclaire C , Theillière C , Saint-Béat C , Lenga Ma Bonda W, Zhai R , Minet-Quinard R , Belville C , Blanchon L , Sapin V , Garnier M , Jabaudon M
Effects of sevoflurane on lung epithelial permeability in experimental models of acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Published on 18 Jun 2023 in Journal of translational medicine , vol. 21 - pp 397
Zhai R , Lenga Ma Bonda W, Leclaire C , Saint-Béat C , Theilliere C , Belville C , Coupet R, Blondonnet R, Bouvier D , Blanchon L , Sapin V , Jabaudon M
Receptor for Advanced Glycation End-Products Promotes Activation of Alveolar Macrophages through the NLRP3 Inflammasome/TXNIP Axis in Acute Lung Injury.
Published on 01 Oct 2022 in International journal of molecular sciences , vol. 23
Lenga Ma Bonda W, Fournet M , Zhai R , Lutz J, Blondonnet R , Bourgne C, Leclaire C , Saint-Béat C , Theilliere C , Belville C , Bouvier D , Blanchon L , Berger M, Sapin V , Jabaudon M
Dysregulation of the Amniotic PPARγ Pathway by Phthalates: Modulation of the Anti-Inflammatory Activity of PPARγ in Human Fetal Membranes.
Published on 06 Apr 2022 in Life (Basel, Switzerland) , vol. 12
Antoine A , De Sousa Do Outeiro C , Charnay C , Belville C , Henrioux F , Gallot D , Blanchon L , Minet-Quinard R , Sapin V