Laurence VANDEL
Directeur de Recherche
Directeur de Recherche
Drosophila TET acts with PRC1 to activate gene expression independently of its catalytic activity.
Published on 03 May 2024 in Science advances , vol. 10 - pp eadn5861
Gilbert G , Renaud Y , Teste C , Anglaret N , Bertrand R , Hoehn S, Jurkowski TP, Schuettengruber B, Cavalli G, Waltzer L , Vandel L
Probing small ribosomal subunit RNA helix 45 acetylation across eukaryotic evolution.
Published on 24 Jun 2022 in Nucleic acids research , vol. 50 - pp 6284-6299
Bortolin-Cavaillé ML, Quillien A, Thalalla Gamage S, Thomas JM, Sas-Chen A, Sharma S, Plisson-Chastang C, Vandel L , Blader P, Lafontaine DLJ, Schwartz S, Meier JL, Cavaillé J
Characterization of the Drosophila Adult Hematopoietic System Reveals a Rare Cell Population With Differentiation and Proliferation Potential.
Published on 13 Oct 2021 in Frontiers in cell and developmental biology , vol. 9 - pp 739357
Boulet M , Renaud Y , Lapraz F, Benmimoun B, Vandel L , Waltzer L
Patient-matched analysis identifies deregulated networks in prostate cancer to guide personalized therapeutic intervention.
Published on 15 Nov 2021 in American journal of cancer research , vol. 11 - pp 5299-5318
Kumar A, Kasikci Y, Badredine A, Azzag K, Quintyn Ranty ML, Zaidi F, Aragou N, Mazerolles C, Malavaud B, Mendoza-Parra MA, Vandel L , Gronemeyer H
Prmt5 promotes vascular morphogenesis independently of its methyltransferase activity.
Published on 30 Jun 2021 in PLoS genetics , vol. 17 - pp e1009641
Quillien A, Gilbert G , Boulet M , Ethuin S, Waltzer L , Vandel L
From Drosophila Blood Cells to Human Leukemia.
Published on 01 Jan 2018 in Advances in experimental medicine and biology , vol. 1076 - pp 195-214
CBP and P300 regulate distinct gene networks required for human primary myoblast differentiation and muscle integrity.
Published on 22 Aug 2018 in Scientific reports , vol. 8 - pp 12629
Fauquier L, Azzag K, Parra MAM, Quillien A, Boulet M , Diouf S , Carnac G, Waltzer L , Gronemeyer H, Vandel L
Epigenetic Regulators Modulate Muscle Damage in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Model.
Published on 21 Dec 2017 in PLoS currents , vol. 9
Bajanca F, Vandel L
Expression patterns of CREB binding protein (CREBBP) and its methylated species during zebrafish development.
Published on 01 Jan 2015 in The International journal of developmental biology , vol. 59 - pp 229-34
Batut J, Duboé C, Vandel L
The methyltransferases PRMT4/CARM1 and PRMT5 control differentially myogenesis in zebrafish.
Published on 01 Jan 2011 in PloS one , vol. 6 - pp e25427
Batut J, Duboé C, Vandel L
Methylation specifies distinct estrogen-induced binding site repertoires of CBP to chromatin.
Published on 01 Jun 2011 in Genes & development , vol. 25 - pp 1132-46
Ceschin DG, Walia M, Wenk SS, Duboé C, Gaudon C, Xiao Y, Fauquier L, Sankar M, Vandel L , Gronemeyer H