Stagiaires IUT
Two cytosolic glutamine synthetase isoforms of maize are specifically involved in the control of grain production.
Published on 30 Nov 2006 in The Plant cell , vol. 18 - pp 3252-74
Martin A, Lee J, Kichey T, Gerentes D, Zivy M, Tatout C , Dubois F, Balliau T, Valot B, Davanture M, Tercé-Laforgue T, Quilleré I, Coque M, Gallais A, Gonzalez-Moro MB, Bethencourt L, Habash DZ, Lea PJ, Charcosset A, Perez P, Murigneux A , Sakakibara H, Edwards KJ, Hirel B
UDP-glucose dehydrogenases of maize: a role in cell wall pentose biosynthesis.
Published on 15 Oct 2005 in The Biochemical journal , vol. 391 - pp 409-15
Kärkönen A, Murigneux A , Martinant JP, Pepey E, Tatout C , Dudley BJ, Fry SC