Catherine SARRET
Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier
Professeur des Universités - Praticien Hospitalier
Serum S100B Level in the Management of Pediatric Minor Head Trauma: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
Published on 04 Mar 2024 in JAMA network open , vol. 7 - pp e242366
Bouvier D , Cantais A, Laspougeas A, Lorton F, Plenier Y, Cottier M, Fournier P, Tran A, Moreau E, Durif J, Sarret C , Mourgues C, Sturtz F, Oudart JB, Raffort J, Gonzalo P, Cristol JP, Masson D, Pereira B, Sapin V
Assessment of the advantage of the serum S100B protein biomonitoring in the management of paediatric mild traumatic brain injury-PROS100B: protocol of a multicentre unblinded stepped wedge cluster randomised trial.
Published on 24 May 2019 in BMJ open , vol. 9 - pp e027365
Bouvier D , Balayssac D, Durif J, Mourgues C, Sarret C , Pereira B, Sapin V