Ingénieur d'étude
Ingénieur d'étude
Impairment of sperm maturation and capacitation due to diet-dependent cholesterol overload.
Published on 01 Sep 2019 in Andrology , vol. 7 - pp 654-661
Slc26a3 deficiency is associated with epididymis dysplasia and impaired sperm fertilization potential in the mouse.
Published on 01 Aug 2018 in Molecular reproduction and development , vol. 85 - pp 682-695
El Khouri E, Whitfield M , Stouvenel L, Kini A, Riederer B, Lores P, Roemermann D, di Stefano G, Drevet JR , Saez F , Seidler U, Touré A
Comprehensive overview of murine epididymal mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes: Unexpected populations arise.
Published on 01 Apr 2018 in Journal of reproductive immunology , vol. 126 - pp 11-17
Voisin A , Whitfield M , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Goubely C , Henry-Berger J , Saez F , Kocer A , Drevet JR , Guiton R
Dyslipidemia alters sperm maturation and capacitation in LXR-null mice.
Published on 01 Dec 2017 in Reproduction (Cambridge, England) , vol. 154 - pp 827-842
Whitfield M , Guiton R , Rispal J , Acar N, Kocer A , Drevet JR , Saez F
Liver X Receptors (LXRs) Alpha and Beta Play Distinct Roles in the Mouse Epididymis.
Published on 01 Mar 2016 in Biology of reproduction , vol. 94 - pp 55
Whitfield M , Ouvrier A, Cadet R , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Guiton R , Janny L , Kocer A , Marceau G , Pons-Rejraji H , Trousson A , Drevet JR , Saez F
Posttesticular sperm maturation, infertility, and hypercholesterolemia.
Published on 01 Sep 2015 in Asian journal of andrology , vol. 17 - pp 742-8
Whitfield M , Pollet-Villard X, Levy R, Drevet JR , Saez F