Our primary interest is to understand the role of Environmental Cues in Axis Morphogenesis.
To this end, we use cutting-edge technologies to study axis dynamics from the tissue to the transcriptional levels through a newly discovered cell type, the NMPs.
Principal Investigator: Charlene Guillot (Ryan)
I’m a developmental biologist with a deep interest in how tissues move and embryos are shaped during development. I completed my Master’s in Integrative Biology at Aix-Marseille University in France, followed by a PhD at the IBDM (Institute of Developmental Biology of Marseille) under Dr. Thomas Lecuit guidance, where I studied epithelial cell division using the Drosophila model. My postdoctoral research as an EMBO Fellow at Harvard Medical School with Dr. Olivier Pourquié focused on posterior axis morphogenesis in chick embryos. In 2021, I started my lab at iGReD, University of Clermont-Ferrand, where we study the Dynamic Regulation Of Body Axis Morphogenesis.


We use the chicken as a model for studying axis morphogenesis. While birds look quite different from humans, early developmental stages are very similar (right picture)
Our ability to manipulate and challenge the embryo directly in the egg during axis development allows us to pose relevant questions to understand human congenital malformations linked to axial development. We employ cutting-edge techniques of live imaging, lineage tracing, quantitative analysis, and single-cell RNA sequencing to uncover how NMP for the body of vertebrates.

We identified the NeuroMesodermal Progenitors (NMP) in the chick model as a population of cells in the Anterior Primitive Streak (PS) that become the main progenitors in the tailed (Tb) to form the body axis (Left)
Once in the tailed, the bipotent NMP gives rise to cells in Bothe the Neural Tube (NT) & preSomitic Mesoderm (PSM) that are the embryonic precursors of the Spinal Cord & Musculoskeletal tissue, respectively. (Right)
Current Projects : Role of Environmental cues in …
… the fate and lineage of NMPs

Using individual NMP color labeling, we can study the fate and lineage of the NMPs in vivo.
NT: Neural Tube, S: Somite, HL: HindLimb.
… the dynamics of NMPs

NMPs morph into the tailbud to become the main progenitors of the body axis through peculiar cell dynamics i.e. low ingression, low convergence and high cell division.
… the cellular states forming the body axis

Single-cell analysis of the cells forming the posterior body identifies the NMP and their contribution to both the Neural and Mesodermal lineages in chick and mouse models.
YES!!! We Speak English in the lab (and a little bit of French)
We seek to provide an inclusive lab environment with lambastes from diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Past Lab Members
Pauline DUMONT – Graduate student – Master 2 BIP/UCA (2022)
Adrien CHARTROULE – Undergraduate student – DUT/UCA (2022)
Sophie PHAN – Undergraduate student – L3 Life Sciences Bachelor/UCA (2022)
Emma DE CARVALHO – Undergraduate student – BTS/ (2022)
Pouria HOSSEINNIA – Postdoc (50%) – (2023)
Alesia GESSENT – Undergraduate student – BUT2/UCA (2023)
Elina BENOIT – Graduate student – Master 2 BIP/UCA (2023)
Thais FAVODON – Undergraduate student – BUT3/UCA (2024)
Enola RANVIER – Undergraduate student – BUT2/UCA (2024)
Arnaud COSTE – Undergraduate student – BTS/ (2024)
Sofia Carmen URIBE CALAMPA – Graduate student – Master 2 NHM/UCA (2024) –> Boston College PhD Program
Control of epiblast cell fate by mechanical cues
Published on 06 Jun 2024 in BiorXiv
Charlène Guillot , Yannis Djeffal, Mattia Serra, Olivier Pourquié
Building consensus in Neuromesodermal Research: current advances and future biomedical perspectives
Published on 28 Oct 2021 in Current Opinion in Cell Biology , vol. 73 - pp 133-140
Anahí Binagui-Casas & André Dias & Charlene Guillot & Dillan Saunders
Dynamics of primitive streak regression controls the fate of neuromesodermal progenitors in the chicken embryo
Published on 06 Jul 2021 in eLife Sciences
Charlene Guillot , Yannis Djeffal, Arthur Michaut, Brian Rabe, Olivier Pourquié
Mechanics of Anteroposterior Axis Formation in Vertebrates
Published on 14 Aug 2019 in Annu Rev Cell Dev Biol - pp 259–283
Alessandro Mongera , Michaut Arthur, Guillot Charlene, Xiong Fengzhu, and Pourquié Olivier
PAPC couples the segmentation clock to somite morphogenesis by regulating N-cadherin dependent adhesion
Published on 19 Dec 2016 in Development - pp 664-676
JéromeChal & CharleǹeGuillot , OlivierPourquié
Mechanics of Epithelial Tissue Homeostasis and Morphogenesis
Published on 07 Jun 2013 in SCIENCE , vol. 340 - pp 1185-1189
Adhesion disengagement uncouples intrinsic and extrinsic forces to drive cytokinesis in epithelial tissues
Published on 10 Jan 2013 in Developmental Cell