Assistant Ingénieur
Assistant Ingénieur
Liver X Receptors Enhance Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cells.
Publié le 06 Août 2024 dans Cancers , vol. 16
Bouchareb E , Dallel S , De Haze A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Renaud Y , Baabdaty E , Vialat M , Fabre J , Pouchin P , De Joussineau C , Degoul F , Sanmukh S, Gendronneau J , Sanchez P, Gonthier-Gueret C, Trousson A , Morel L , Lobaccaro JM , Kocer A , Baron S
Constitutive Androstane Receptor Regulates Germ Cell Homeostasis, Sperm Quality, and Male Fertility via Akt-Foxo1 Pathway.
Publié le 24 Sep 2024 dans Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) - pp e2402082
Monrose M , Holota H , Martinez G, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Thirouard L , Martinot E , Battistelli E , de Haze A , Bravard S , Tamisier C , Caira F , Coutton C, Barbotin AL, Boursier A, Lakhal L, Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Loss of Nuclear/DNA Integrity in Mouse Epididymal Spermatozoa after Short-Term Exposure to Low Doses of Dibutyl Phthalate or Bisphenol AF and Its Mitigation by Oral Antioxidant Supplementation.
Publié le 05 Mai 2023 dans Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland) , vol. 12
Hug E , Villeneuve P , Bravard S , Chorfa A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Somkuti SG, Moazamian A , Aitken RJ, Gharagozloo P, Drevet JR , Saez F
Three-dimensional imaging of vascular development in the mouse epididymis.
Publié le 13 Juin 2023 dans eLife , vol. 12
Damon-Soubeyrand C , Bongiovanni A, Chorfa A , Goubely C , Pirot N, Pardanaud L, Piboin-Fragner L, Vachias C , Bravard S , Guiton R , Thomas JL, Saez F , Kocer A , Tardivel M, Drevet JR , Henry-Berger J
Identification of a Crosstalk among TGR5, GLIS2, and TP53 Signaling Pathways in the Control of Undifferentiated Germ Cell Homeostasis and Chemoresistance.
Publié le 30 Juin 2022 dans Advanced science (Weinheim, Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany) , vol. 9 - pp e2200626
Thirouard L , Holota H , Monrose M , Garcia M , de Haze A , Damon-Soubeyrand C, Renaud Y , Saru JP , Perino A, Schoonjans K, Beaudoin C , Volle DH
Loss of SUMO-specific protease 2 causes isolated glucocorticoid deficiency by blocking adrenal cortex zonal transdifferentiation in mice.
Publié le 21 Déc 2022 dans Nature communications , vol. 13 - pp 7858
Dufour D , Dumontet T , Sahut-Barnola I, Carusi A, Onzon M , Pussard E, Wilmouth JJ , Olabe J , Lucas C , Levasseur A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Pointud JC , Roucher-Boulez F , Tauveron I , Bossis G, Yeh ET, Breault DT, Val P , Lefrançois-Martinez AM, Martinez A
Differential expression and localisation of TGF-β isoforms and receptors in the murine epididymis.
Publié le 22 Jan 2020 dans Scientific reports , vol. 10 - pp 995
Voisin A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Bravard S , Saez F , Drevet JR , Guiton R
Comprehensive overview of murine epididymal mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes: Unexpected populations arise.
Publié le 01 Avr 2018 dans Journal of reproductive immunology , vol. 126 - pp 11-17
Voisin A , Whitfield M , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Goubely C , Henry-Berger J , Saez F , Kocer A , Drevet JR , Guiton R
Crosstalk between BPA and FXRα Signaling Pathways Lead to Alterations of Undifferentiated Germ Cell Homeostasis and Male Fertility Disorders.
Publié le 09 Oct 2018 dans Stem cell reports , vol. 11 - pp 944-958
Sèdes L , Desdoits-Lethimonier C, Rouaisnel B , Holota H , Thirouard L , Lesne L, Damon-Soubeyrand C, Martinot E , Saru JP , Mazaud-Guittot S, Caira F , Beaudoin C , Jégou B, Volle DH
Steroidogenic differentiation and PKA signaling are programmed by histone methyltransferase EZH2 in the adrenal cortex.
Publié le 26 Déc 2018 dans Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America , vol. 115 - pp E12265-E12274
Mathieu M , Drelon C , Rodriguez S , Tabbal H , Septier A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Dumontet T , Berthon A , Sahut-Barnola I , Djari C , Batisse-Lignier M , Pointud JC , Richard D, Kerdivel G, Calméjane MA, Boeva V, Tauveron I , Lefrançois-Martinez AM , Martinez A , Val P
Nuclear Integrity but Not Topology of Mouse Sperm Chromosome is Affected by Oxidative DNA Damage.
Publié le 17 Oct 2018 dans Genes , vol. 9
Champroux A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Goubely C , Bravard S , Henry-Berger J , Guiton R , Saez F , Drevet J , Kocer A
The Bile Acid Nuclear Receptor FXRα Is a Critical Regulator of Mouse Germ Cell Fate.
Publié le 11 Juil 2017 dans Stem cell reports , vol. 9 - pp 315-328
Martinot E , Sèdes L , Baptissart M , Holota H , Rouaisnel B , Damon-Soubeyrand C , De Haze A , Saru JP , Thibault-Carpentier C, Keime C, Lobaccaro JA, Baron S , Benoit G, Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
The Bile Acid Nuclear Receptor FXRα Is a Critical Regulator of Mouse Germ Cell Fate.
Publié le 11 Juil 2017 dans Stem cell reports , vol. 9 - pp 315-328
Martinot E , Sèdes L , Baptissart M , Holota H , Rouaisnel B , Damon-Soubeyrand C, De Haze A , Saru JP , Thibault-Carpentier C, Keime C, Lobaccaro JA, Baron S , Benoit G, Caira F , Beaudoin C , Volle DH
P53/Rb inhibition induces metastatic adrenocortical carcinomas in a preclinical transgenic model.
Publié le 30 Août 2017 dans Oncogene , vol. 36 - pp 4445-4456
Batisse-Lignier M , Sahut-Barnola I , Tissier F, Dumontet T , Mathieu M , Drelon C , Pointud JC , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Marceau G , Kemeny JL, Bertherat J, Tauveron I , Val P , Martinez A , Lefrançois-Martinez AM
RAGE inhibition reduces acute lung injury in mice.
Publié le 03 Août 2017 dans Scientific reports , vol. 7 - pp 7208
Blondonnet R , Audard J, Belville C , Clairefond G , Lutz J, Bouvier D , Roszyk L , Gross C , Lavergne M , Fournet M , Blanchon L , Vachias C , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Sapin V , Constantin JM , Jabaudon M
Liver X Receptors (LXRs) Alpha and Beta Play Distinct Roles in the Mouse Epididymis.
Publié le 01 Mar 2016 dans Biology of reproduction , vol. 94 - pp 55
Whitfield M , Ouvrier A, Cadet R , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Guiton R , Janny L , Kocer A , Marceau G , Pons-Rejraji H , Trousson A , Drevet JR , Saez F
Bile Acid Alters Male Mouse Fertility in Metabolic Syndrome Context.
Publié le 01 Oct 2015 dans PloS one , vol. 10 - pp e0139946
Vega A , Martinot E , Baptissart M , De Haze A , Vaz F, Kulik W, Damon-Soubeyrand C, Baron S , Caira F , Volle DH
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (ido1) is involved in the control of mouse caput epididymis immune environment.
Publié le 20 Juin 2013 dans PloS one , vol. 8 - pp e66494
Jrad-Lamine A , Henry-Berger J , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Saez F , Kocer A , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Munn DH, Mellor AL, Gharbi N, Cadet R , Guiton R , Aitken RJ, Drevet JR
DNA oxidative damage in mammalian spermatozoa: where and why is the male nucleus affected?
Publié le 01 Déc 2013 dans Free radical biology & medicine , vol. 65 - pp 719-723
Noblanc A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Karrich B, Henry-Berger J , Cadet R , Saez F , Guiton R , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Alvarez JG, Drevet JR , Kocer A
Epididymis response partly compensates for spermatozoa oxidative defects in snGPx4 and GPx5 double mutant mice.
Publié le 01 Jan 2012 dans PloS one , vol. 7 - pp e38565
Noblanc A , Peltier M, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Kerchkove N, Chabory E, Vernet P, Saez F , Cadet R , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Conrad M, Drevet JR , Kocer A
Dietary cholesterol-induced post-testicular infertility.
Publié le 01 Jan 2011 dans PloS one , vol. 6 - pp e26966
Ouvrier A, Alves G, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Marceau G , Cadet R , Janny L , Brugnon F , Kocer A , Pommier A, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR , Saez F
Deficient tryptophan catabolism along the kynurenine pathway reveals that the epididymis is in a unique tolerogenic state.
Publié le 11 Mar 2011 dans The Journal of biological chemistry , vol. 286 - pp 8030-8042
Jrad-Lamine A , Henry-Berger J , Gourbeyre P, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Lenoir A , Combaret L, Saez F , Kocer A , Tone S, Fuchs D, Zhu W, Oefner PJ, Munn DH, Mellor AL, Gharbi N, Cadet R , Aitken RJ, Drevet JR
Gene dosage effects and transcriptional regulation of early mammalian adrenal cortex development.
Publié le 08 Juil 2010 dans Molecular and cellular endocrinology , vol. 323 - pp 105-14
Val P , Swain A
Constitutive beta-catenin activation induces adrenal hyperplasia and promotes adrenal cancer development.
Publié le 15 Avr 2010 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 19 - pp 1561-76
Berthon A , Sahut-Barnola I , Lambert-Langlais S, de Joussineau C , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Louiset E, Taketo MM, Tissier F, Bertherat J, Lefrançois-Martinez AM, Martinez A , Val P