Francoise DEGOUL
Chargé de RechercheDEGOUL
Chargé de Recherche
Since 2021- iGRED,CNRS 6293 INSERM U1103 Université Clermont Auvergne, NuREP Team Dr S Baron & Pr JM Lobaccaro
2017-2020:UMR1240, Team leader “Targets and tools for imaging and therapy” UMR1240 INSERM UCA
2010-2016 : UMR 990, INSERM UdA « Imagerie moléculaire et thérapie vectorisée » Pr JM Chezal
Radionuclide Targeting for imaging and treatment in oncology, Co animation of a team, CR1 position
2008-2009 : EA4231« Imagerie moléculaire et thérapie vectorisée » Pr J Maublant et Dr JM Chezal.
2002-2008 : UMR484 INSERM/UdA «Etude métabolique des molécules marquées» Dr JC Madelmont
Targeting mitochondrial proteins by chemotherapy for cancer treatment? Looking for Metastatic Melanoma markers, CR1 position
1998-2002: INSERM U481 « Maladies du foie et traitements » Dr D Pessayre
MnSOD, reactive oxygen species; mitochondrial DNA and hepatopathies , CR1 position
1994-1998 : INSERM U 75 «Biochimie, métabolisme et pharmacologie » Pr JP Leroux
Comprehension of mitochondrial tRNAs mutations in human myopathies, CR2 position
AUVERGNE Université UMR 484, Clermont-FD 2006 Habilitation for research supervision (HDR)
Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Fd 1988/1991: PhD in molecular and cellular biology (11/10/1991) Thesis title:Mitochondrial DNA mutations in human pathologies
January 2021-December 2022 Leader TePaCaP « Rôle de la tétraspanine 8 (TSPAN8) dans la progression et l’agressivite du cancer de la prostate » funded by the Canceropole CLARA
January 2021-December 2022 Leader “Role of Tspan8 in prostate cancer aggressiveness” funded by The Ligue contre le Cancer
October 2019-September 2020Leader Tétraspanine 8 (TSPAN8) : rôle dans la communication cellulaire , programme projet emergent UCA
February 2018 –June 2020 Leader Targeting and role of Tspan8 in colorectal cancer by The Ligue contre le Cancer
February 2017 –January 2018 Leader Targeted radionuclide therapy of melanoma: mechanisms and radiosensitization , one year funded by The Ligue contre le Cancer (comité de l’Allier)
January 2015-2020 CPER project Leader New theranostic approach: nanomedicine applied to radio immunotherapy of peritoneal carcinomatosis. Part of a 5 years program, involving material (SPECT-CT camera) and a 2 year post-doctoral position
September 2015 – August 2016 Leader, collaboration with Pr F D’acquisto: Annexin A1 and melanoma dissemination1 year project funded by French Dermatology Society September 2014 –August 2017
September 2013 –March 2015 Partner of MelCoMAb project:Targeting of Tspan8/Co-029 with radiolabeled antibodies in mouse models of melanoma and colorectal carcinoma 2 years project funded by INSERM Transfert
June 2013 – June 2015Partner of the RACE project (RAdiation resistance of Cancer CElls using GEANT4 DNA).
2 years project funded by the Physics, Mathematics and Engineering sciences applied to the Cancer Research national program (PhysiCancer 2013)
August 2012 – September 2016 Partner of the MELRIV project: Targeted radionuclide therapy of melanomas
5 year project funded by the INCa-PRTK (National Institute of Cancer)
- Participation to CRCN Inserm admission jury october 2020
- Auvergne University: Committee for attribution of one year fellowship to medical students
- Participation to PhD and HDR Jury as reviewer or examiner (7 since 2013)
- Scientific board of doctoral school SVSAE (2017-2020)
- Reviewer for different journals
- Scientific board of the network “Drug discovery in oncology” 2019-2022 CLARA Canceropole
Web of science: Number of citations w/o self citations 2045, h-index 23, 110publications
Liver X Receptors Enhance Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cells.
Publié le 06 Août 2024 dans Cancers , vol. 16
Bouchareb E , Dallel S , De Haze A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Renaud Y , Baabdaty E , Vialat M , Fabre J , Pouchin P , De Joussineau C , Degoul F , Sanmukh S, Gendronneau J , Sanchez P, Gonthier-Gueret C, Trousson A , Morel L , Lobaccaro JM , Kocer A , Baron S
Persistent organic pollutants promote aggressiveness in prostate cancer.
Publié le 01 Sep 2023 dans Oncogene , vol. 42 - pp 2854-2867
Buñay J, Kossai M, Damon-Soubeyrant C, De Haze A , Saru JP , Trousson A , de Joussineau C , Bouchareb E , Kocer A , Vialat M , Dallel S , Degoul F , Bost F, Clavel S, Penault-Llorca F, Valli MP, Guy L, Matthews J, Renaud Y , Ittmann M, Jones J, Morel L , Lobaccaro JM , Baron S