Maitre de Conférences
HomeAyhan KOCER

Maitre de Conférences
Associate Professor


After focusing my research (more than 15 years) in the field of reproductive biology and development. I acquired insight in sperm maturation and more particularly in the compaction of sperm nuclear chromatin and the epigenetic marks . In 2019, I decided to focus my research on the metastatic process of cancer cells in a context of deregulation of cholesterol metabolism


35 publications

Persistent organic pollutants promote aggressiveness in prostate cancer.

Published on 01 Sep 2023 in Oncogene , vol. 42 - pp 2854-2867

Buñay J, Kossai M, Damon-Soubeyrant C, De Haze A , Saru JP , Trousson A , de Joussineau C , Bouchareb E , Kocer A , Vialat M , Dallel S , Degoul F , Bost F, Clavel S, Penault-Llorca F, Valli MP, Guy L, Matthews J, Renaud Y , Ittmann M, Jones J, Morel L , Lobaccaro JM , Baron S

Three-dimensional imaging of vascular development in the mouse epididymis.

Published on 13 Jun 2023 in eLife , vol. 12

Damon-Soubeyrand C , Bongiovanni A, Chorfa A , Goubely C , Pirot N, Pardanaud L, Piboin-Fragner L, Vachias C , Bravard S , Guiton R , Thomas JL, Saez F , Kocer A , Tardivel M, Drevet JR , Henry-Berger J


Screening for liver X receptor modulators: Where are we and for what use?

Published on 01 Aug 2021 in British journal of pharmacology , vol. 178 - pp 3277-3293

Buñay J, Fouache A , Trousson A , de Joussineau C , Bouchareb E , Zhu Z , Kocer A , Morel L , Baron S , Lobaccaro JA

LINE-1 transcription in round spermatids is associated with accretion of 5-carboxylcytosine in their open reading frames.

Published on 07 Jun 2021 in Communications biology , vol. 4 - pp 691

Blythe MJ, Kocer A , Rubio-Roldan A, Giles T, Abakir A, Ialy-Radio C, Wheldon LM, Bereshchenko O, Bruscoli S, Kondrashov A, Drevet JR , Emes RD, Johnson AD, McCarrey JR, Gackowski D, Olinski R, Cocquet J, Garcia-Perez JL, Ruzov A


Knockout of glutathione peroxidase 5 down-regulates the piRNAs in the caput epididymidis of aged mice.

Published on 01 Nov 2020 in Asian journal of andrology , vol. 22 - pp 590-601

Chu C, Yu L, Henry-Berger J , Ru YF, Kocer A , Champroux A , Li ZT, He M, Xie SS, Ma WB, Ni MJ, Ni ZM, Guo YL, Fei ZL, Gou LT, Liu Q, Sharma S, Zhou Y, Liu MF, Chen CD, Eamens AL, Nixon B, Zhou YC, Drevet JR , Zhang YL


SLY regulates genes involved in chromatin remodeling and interacts with TBL1XR1 during sperm differentiation.

Published on 01 Jun 2017 in Cell death and differentiation , vol. 24 - pp 1029-1044

Moretti C, Serrentino ME, Ialy-Radio C, Delessard M, Soboleva TA, Tores F, Leduc M, Nitschké P, Drevet JR , Tremethick DJ, Vaiman D, Kocer A , Cocquet J

Investigation of antioxidant systems in human meibomian gland and conjunctival tissues.

Published on 01 Dec 2017 in Experimental eye research , vol. 165 - pp 99-104

Nezzar H, Mbekeani JN, Noblanc A , Chiambaretta F , Drevet JR , Kocer A

Dyslipidemia alters sperm maturation and capacitation in LXR-null mice.

Published on 01 Dec 2017 in Reproduction (Cambridge, England) , vol. 154 - pp 827-842

Whitfield M , Guiton R , Rispal J , Acar N, Kocer A , Drevet JR , Saez F


A novel antioxidant formulation designed to treat male infertility associated with oxidative stress: promising preclinical evidence from animal models.

Published on 01 Feb 2016 in Human reproduction (Oxford, England) , vol. 31 - pp 252-62

Gharagozloo P, Gutiérrez-Adán A, Champroux A , Noblanc A , Kocer A , Calle A, Pérez-Cerezales S, Pericuesta E, Polhemus A, Moazamian A , Drevet JR , Aitken RJ

Mammalian sperm nuclear organization: resiliencies and vulnerabilities.

Published on 21 Dec 2016 in Basic and clinical andrology , vol. 26 - pp 17

Champroux A , Torres-Carreira J , Gharagozloo P, Drevet JR , Kocer A


Oxidative DNA damage in mouse sperm chromosomes: Size matters.

Published on 01 Dec 2015 in Free radical biology & medicine , vol. 89 - pp 993-1002

Kocer A , Henry-Berger J , Noblanc A , Champroux A , Pogorelcnik R , Guiton R , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Saez F , Johnson GD, Krawetz SA, Alvarez JG, Aitken RJ, Drevet JR


Dietary cholesterol-induced post-testicular infertility.

Published on 01 Jan 2011 in PloS one , vol. 6 - pp e26966

Ouvrier A, Alves G, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Marceau G , Cadet R , Janny L , Brugnon F , Kocer A , Pommier A, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR , Saez F

Deficient tryptophan catabolism along the kynurenine pathway reveals that the epididymis is in a unique tolerogenic state.

Published on 11 Mar 2011 in The Journal of biological chemistry , vol. 286 - pp 8030-8042

Jrad-Lamine A , Henry-Berger J , Gourbeyre P, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Lenoir A , Combaret L, Saez F , Kocer A , Tone S, Fuchs D, Zhu W, Oefner PJ, Munn DH, Mellor AL, Gharbi N, Cadet R , Aitken RJ, Drevet JR


[Role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on human spermatozoa and male infertility].

Published on 30 Jun 2009 in Gynecologie, obstetrique & fertilite , vol. 37 - pp 529-35

Pons-Rejraji H , Sion B, Saez F , Brugnon F , Janny L , Grizard G


Attempt to rescue sex-reversal by transgenic expression of the PISRT1 gene in XX PIS-/- goats.

Published on 01 Jan 2008 in Sexual development : genetics, molecular biology, evolution, endocrinology, embryology, and pathology of sex determination and differentiation , vol. 2 - pp 142-51

Boulanger L, Kocer A , Daniel N, Pannetier M, Chesné P, Heyman Y, Renault L, Mandon-Pépin B, Chavatte-Palmer P, Vignon X, Vilotte JL, Cotinot C, Renard JP, Pailhoux E

GPX5, the selenium-independent glutathione peroxidase-encoding single copy gene is differentially expressed in mouse epididymis.

Published on 01 Jan 2008 in Reproduction, fertility, and development , vol. 20 - pp 615-25

Zhang T, Chabory E, Britan A, Grignard E, Pitiot O, Saez F , Cadet R , Henry-Berger J , Vernet P, Drevet JR

Differential aggregation and functional impairment induced by polyalanine expansions in FOXL2, a transcription factor involved in cranio-facial and ovarian development.

Published on 01 Apr 2008 in Human molecular genetics , vol. 17 - pp 1010-9

Moumné L, Dipietromaria A, Batista F, Kocer A , Fellous M, Pailhoux E, Veitia RA

R-spondin1 and FOXL2 act into two distinct cellular types during goat ovarian differentiation.

Published on 02 Apr 2008 in BMC developmental biology , vol. 8 - pp 36

Kocer A , Pinheiro I, Pannetier M, Renault L, Parma P, Radi O, Kim KA, Camerino G, Pailhoux E


Nuclear oxysterol receptors, LXRs, are involved in the maintenance of mouse caput epididymidis structure and functions.

Published on 01 Oct 2004 in Journal of molecular endocrinology , vol. 33 - pp 361-75

Frenoux JM, Vernet P, Volle DH, Britan A, Saez F , Kocer A , Henry-Berger J , Mangelsdorf DJ, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR

Nuclear oxysterol receptors, LXRs, are involved in the maintenance of mouse caput epididymidis structure and functions.

Published on 30 Oct 2004 in Journal of molecular endocrinology , vol. 33 - pp 361-75

Frenoux JM, Vernet P, Volle DH , Britan A, Saez F , Kocer A , Henry-Berger J , Mangelsdorf DJ, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR


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