Maitre de Conférences
Maitre de Conférences
Associate Professor
Apres avoir travaillé plus de 15 ans dans le domaine de la biologie de reproduction et développement embryonnaire. J’ai acquis une expertise sur la maturation des spermatozoides et plus particulièrement sur la compaction de la chromatine nucléaire du spermatozoïde et les marques épigénetiques qui lui sont associées. En 2019, j’ai décidé de changer de thématique et de m’intéresser au processus métastatique des cellules cancéreuses dans un contexte de dérégulation métabolisme du cholestérol.
Cholesterol Dietary Intake and Tumor Cell Homeostasis Drive Early Epithelial Tumorigenesis: A Potential Modelization of Early Prostate Tumorigenesis.
Publié le 06 Juin 2024 dans Cancers , vol. 16
Vialat M , Baabdaty E , Trousson A , Kocer A , Lobaccaro JA, Baron S , Morel L , de Joussineau C
Liver X Receptors Enhance Epithelial to Mesenchymal Transition in Metastatic Prostate Cancer Cells.
Publié le 06 Août 2024 dans Cancers , vol. 16
Bouchareb E , Dallel S , De Haze A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Renaud Y , Baabdaty E , Vialat M , Fabre J , Pouchin P , De Joussineau C , Degoul F , Sanmukh S, Gendronneau J , Sanchez P, Gonthier-Gueret C, Trousson A , Morel L , Lobaccaro JM , Kocer A , Baron S
Persistent organic pollutants promote aggressiveness in prostate cancer.
Publié le 01 Sep 2023 dans Oncogene , vol. 42 - pp 2854-2867
Buñay J, Kossai M, Damon-Soubeyrant C, De Haze A , Saru JP , Trousson A , de Joussineau C , Bouchareb E , Kocer A , Vialat M , Dallel S , Degoul F , Bost F, Clavel S, Penault-Llorca F, Valli MP, Guy L, Matthews J, Renaud Y , Ittmann M, Jones J, Morel L , Lobaccaro JM , Baron S
Three-dimensional imaging of vascular development in the mouse epididymis.
Publié le 13 Juin 2023 dans eLife , vol. 12
Damon-Soubeyrand C , Bongiovanni A, Chorfa A , Goubely C , Pirot N, Pardanaud L, Piboin-Fragner L, Vachias C , Bravard S , Guiton R , Thomas JL, Saez F , Kocer A , Tardivel M, Drevet JR , Henry-Berger J
Screening for liver X receptor modulators: Where are we and for what use?
Publié le 01 Août 2021 dans British journal of pharmacology , vol. 178 - pp 3277-3293
Buñay J, Fouache A , Trousson A , de Joussineau C , Bouchareb E , Zhu Z , Kocer A , Morel L , Baron S , Lobaccaro JA
Three-dimensional confocal analysis of chromosome positioning coupled with immunofluorescence in mouse sperm nuclei
Publié le 01 Jan 2021 dans Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) , vol. 2198 - pp 255-268
Champroux A , Goubely C , Henry-Berger J , Drevet JR , Kocer A
LINE-1 transcription in round spermatids is associated with accretion of 5-carboxylcytosine in their open reading frames.
Publié le 07 Juin 2021 dans Communications biology , vol. 4 - pp 691
Blythe MJ, Kocer A , Rubio-Roldan A, Giles T, Abakir A, Ialy-Radio C, Wheldon LM, Bereshchenko O, Bruscoli S, Kondrashov A, Drevet JR , Emes RD, Johnson AD, McCarrey JR, Gackowski D, Olinski R, Cocquet J, Garcia-Perez JL, Ruzov A
Absence of nuclear receptors LXRs impairs immune response to androgen deprivation and leads to prostate neoplasia.
Publié le 07 Déc 2020 dans PLoS biology , vol. 18 - pp e3000948
Bousset L , Septier A , Bunay J, Voisin A , Guiton R , Damon-Soubeyrant C, Renaud Y , De Haze A , Sapin V , Fogli A , Rambur A , De Joussineau C , Kocer A , Trousson A , Henry-Berger J , Höring M, Liebisch G, Matysik S, Lobaccaro JA, Morel L , Baron S
Knockout of glutathione peroxidase 5 down-regulates the piRNAs in the caput epididymidis of aged mice.
Publié le 01 Nov 2020 dans Asian journal of andrology , vol. 22 - pp 590-601
Chu C, Yu L, Henry-Berger J , Ru YF, Kocer A , Champroux A , Li ZT, He M, Xie SS, Ma WB, Ni MJ, Ni ZM, Guo YL, Fei ZL, Gou LT, Liu Q, Sharma S, Zhou Y, Liu MF, Chen CD, Eamens AL, Nixon B, Zhou YC, Drevet JR , Zhang YL
Comprehensive overview of murine epididymal mononuclear phagocytes and lymphocytes: Unexpected populations arise.
Publié le 01 Avr 2018 dans Journal of reproductive immunology , vol. 126 - pp 11-17
Voisin A , Whitfield M , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Goubely C , Henry-Berger J , Saez F , Kocer A , Drevet JR , Guiton R
A Decade of Exploring the Mammalian Sperm Epigenome: Paternal Epigenetic and Transgenerational Inheritance.
Publié le 15 Mai 2018 dans Frontiers in cell and developmental biology , vol. 6 - pp 50
Champroux A , Cocquet J, Henry-Berger J , Drevet JR , Kocer A
Accuracy of human sperm DNA oxidation quantification and threshold determination using an 8-OHdG immuno-detection assay.
Publié le 01 Avr 2018 dans Human reproduction (Oxford, England) , vol. 33 - pp 553-562
Vorilhon S , Brugnon F , Kocer A , Dollet S, Bourgne C, Berger M, Janny L , Pereira B, Aitken RJ, Moazamian A , Gharagozloo P, Drevet J , Pons-Rejraji H
Nuclear Integrity but Not Topology of Mouse Sperm Chromosome is Affected by Oxidative DNA Damage.
Publié le 17 Oct 2018 dans Genes , vol. 9
Champroux A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Goubely C , Bravard S , Henry-Berger J , Guiton R , Saez F , Drevet J , Kocer A
SLY regulates genes involved in chromatin remodeling and interacts with TBL1XR1 during sperm differentiation.
Publié le 01 Juin 2017 dans Cell death and differentiation , vol. 24 - pp 1029-1044
Moretti C, Serrentino ME, Ialy-Radio C, Delessard M, Soboleva TA, Tores F, Leduc M, Nitschké P, Drevet JR , Tremethick DJ, Vaiman D, Kocer A , Cocquet J
Investigation of antioxidant systems in human meibomian gland and conjunctival tissues.
Publié le 01 Déc 2017 dans Experimental eye research , vol. 165 - pp 99-104
Nezzar H, Mbekeani JN, Noblanc A , Chiambaretta F , Drevet JR , Kocer A
Dyslipidemia alters sperm maturation and capacitation in LXR-null mice.
Publié le 01 Déc 2017 dans Reproduction (Cambridge, England) , vol. 154 - pp 827-842
Whitfield M , Guiton R , Rispal J , Acar N, Kocer A , Drevet JR , Saez F
A novel antioxidant formulation designed to treat male infertility associated with oxidative stress: promising preclinical evidence from animal models.
Publié le 01 Fév 2016 dans Human reproduction (Oxford, England) , vol. 31 - pp 252-62
Gharagozloo P, Gutiérrez-Adán A, Champroux A , Noblanc A , Kocer A , Calle A, Pérez-Cerezales S, Pericuesta E, Polhemus A, Moazamian A , Drevet JR , Aitken RJ
Liver X Receptors (LXRs) Alpha and Beta Play Distinct Roles in the Mouse Epididymis.
Publié le 01 Mar 2016 dans Biology of reproduction , vol. 94 - pp 55
Whitfield M , Ouvrier A, Cadet R , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Guiton R , Janny L , Kocer A , Marceau G , Pons-Rejraji H , Trousson A , Drevet JR , Saez F
Mammalian sperm nuclear organization: resiliencies and vulnerabilities.
Publié le 21 Déc 2016 dans Basic and clinical andrology , vol. 26 - pp 17
Champroux A , Torres-Carreira J , Gharagozloo P, Drevet JR , Kocer A
Oxidative DNA damage in mouse sperm chromosomes: Size matters.
Publié le 01 Déc 2015 dans Free radical biology & medicine , vol. 89 - pp 993-1002
Kocer A , Henry-Berger J , Noblanc A , Champroux A , Pogorelcnik R , Guiton R , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Saez F , Johnson GD, Krawetz SA, Alvarez JG, Aitken RJ, Drevet JR
Recent knowledge concerning mammalian sperm chromatin organization and its potential weaknesses when facing oxidative challenge.
Publié le 01 Avr 2014 dans Basic and clinical andrology , vol. 24 - pp 6
Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 (ido1) is involved in the control of mouse caput epididymis immune environment.
Publié le 20 Juin 2013 dans PloS one , vol. 8 - pp e66494
Jrad-Lamine A , Henry-Berger J , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Saez F , Kocer A , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Munn DH, Mellor AL, Gharbi N, Cadet R , Guiton R , Aitken RJ, Drevet JR
DNA oxidative damage in mammalian spermatozoa: where and why is the male nucleus affected?
Publié le 01 Déc 2013 dans Free radical biology & medicine , vol. 65 - pp 719-723
Noblanc A , Damon-Soubeyrand C , Karrich B, Henry-Berger J , Cadet R , Saez F , Guiton R , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Alvarez JG, Drevet JR , Kocer A
Epididymis response partly compensates for spermatozoa oxidative defects in snGPx4 and GPx5 double mutant mice.
Publié le 01 Jan 2012 dans PloS one , vol. 7 - pp e38565
Noblanc A , Peltier M, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Kerchkove N, Chabory E, Vernet P, Saez F , Cadet R , Janny L , Pons-Rejraji H , Conrad M, Drevet JR , Kocer A
[Post-testicular protection of male gametes from oxidative damage. The role of the epididymis].
Publié le 30 Mai 2012 dans Medecine sciences : M/S , vol. 28 - pp 519-25
Dietary cholesterol-induced post-testicular infertility.
Publié le 01 Jan 2011 dans PloS one , vol. 6 - pp e26966
Ouvrier A, Alves G, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Marceau G , Cadet R , Janny L , Brugnon F , Kocer A , Pommier A, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR , Saez F
Glutathione peroxidases at work on epididymal spermatozoa: an example of the dual effect of reactive oxygen species on mammalian male fertilizing ability.
Publié le 01 Nov 2011 dans Journal of andrology , vol. 32 - pp 641-50
Noblanc A , Kocer A , Chabory E, Vernet P, Saez F , Cadet R , Conrad M, Drevet JR
Deficient tryptophan catabolism along the kynurenine pathway reveals that the epididymis is in a unique tolerogenic state.
Publié le 11 Mar 2011 dans The Journal of biological chemistry , vol. 286 - pp 8030-8042
Jrad-Lamine A , Henry-Berger J , Gourbeyre P, Damon-Soubeyrand C , Lenoir A , Combaret L, Saez F , Kocer A , Tone S, Fuchs D, Zhu W, Oefner PJ, Munn DH, Mellor AL, Gharbi N, Cadet R , Aitken RJ, Drevet JR
[Role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) on human spermatozoa and male infertility].
Publié le 30 Juin 2009 dans Gynecologie, obstetrique & fertilite , vol. 37 - pp 529-35
Pons-Rejraji H , Sion B, Saez F , Brugnon F , Janny L , Grizard G
Attempt to rescue sex-reversal by transgenic expression of the PISRT1 gene in XX PIS-/- goats.
Publié le 01 Jan 2008 dans Sexual development : genetics, molecular biology, evolution, endocrinology, embryology, and pathology of sex determination and differentiation , vol. 2 - pp 142-51
Boulanger L, Kocer A , Daniel N, Pannetier M, Chesné P, Heyman Y, Renault L, Mandon-Pépin B, Chavatte-Palmer P, Vignon X, Vilotte JL, Cotinot C, Renard JP, Pailhoux E
GPX5, the selenium-independent glutathione peroxidase-encoding single copy gene is differentially expressed in mouse epididymis.
Publié le 01 Jan 2008 dans Reproduction, fertility, and development , vol. 20 - pp 615-25
Zhang T, Chabory E, Britan A, Grignard E, Pitiot O, Saez F , Cadet R , Henry-Berger J , Vernet P, Drevet JR
Differential aggregation and functional impairment induced by polyalanine expansions in FOXL2, a transcription factor involved in cranio-facial and ovarian development.
Publié le 01 Avr 2008 dans Human molecular genetics , vol. 17 - pp 1010-9
Moumné L, Dipietromaria A, Batista F, Kocer A , Fellous M, Pailhoux E, Veitia RA
R-spondin1 and FOXL2 act into two distinct cellular types during goat ovarian differentiation.
Publié le 02 Avr 2008 dans BMC developmental biology , vol. 8 - pp 36
Kocer A , Pinheiro I, Pannetier M, Renault L, Parma P, Radi O, Kim KA, Camerino G, Pailhoux E
Nuclear oxysterol receptors, LXRs, are involved in the maintenance of mouse caput epididymidis structure and functions.
Publié le 01 Oct 2004 dans Journal of molecular endocrinology , vol. 33 - pp 361-75
Frenoux JM, Vernet P, Volle DH, Britan A, Saez F , Kocer A , Henry-Berger J , Mangelsdorf DJ, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR
Nuclear oxysterol receptors, LXRs, are involved in the maintenance of mouse caput epididymidis structure and functions.
Publié le 30 Oct 2004 dans Journal of molecular endocrinology , vol. 33 - pp 361-75
Frenoux JM, Vernet P, Volle DH , Britan A, Saez F , Kocer A , Henry-Berger J , Mangelsdorf DJ, Lobaccaro JM , Drevet JR